Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In stark contrast to our own gutless system of law enforcement, police in New South Wales, Australia, are to get powers to compel women to remove their burkas.

The New South Wales state government approved the measures in the wake of a Muslim woman having her conviction - for falsely claiming police had attempted to forcibly remove her burka after stopping her for a traffic offence - quashed on appeal because the judge ruled that it was not certain it was her since officers could not see her face.

Under the new law, anyone refusing to show their face risks a heavy fine or up to a years imprisonment.

"I don't care whether a person is wearing a motorcycle helmet, a burka, niqab, face veil or anything else, the police should be allowed to require those people to make their identification clear" said Premier Barry O'Farrell.

Can you imagine the likes of Cameron, Clegg, or Milliband having the guts to say something like that?

Prior to these new powers, police could only demand that a woman removed her face veil in relation to serious offences.

Compare that to our own response to criminals veiling their faces, in this instance when someone dressed in a Burka was robbing banks. Detective Sergeant Terry David of Bedfordshire police, quoted from the Mail :

"He added it was difficult for police because officers can't go around lifting people's burkas.

'It is a very concentious [sic] issue,' he said. 'A contentious disguise and we think he is deliberately choosing that disguise because of that."

Australias stance just seems plain common sense. It won't fix the problems they have with Islam, but at least it is something and removes at least one area where Muslims can flout established law and tradition.

Britain? Cultural sensitivity and political correctness come before common sense or catching criminals every time. At this rate we may as well all start listening for the sounds of morning prayer blasting from speakers on every street in the land.


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