Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The following is from the BNP Ideas site

The outstanding Royal Mail bill for £57,000 is directly owed by the British National Party and not by a company called “Solasni” as falsely claimed in the “mythbusters” circular recently sent out to all party members by BNP head office.

Copies of the original mailing dockets obtained by BNP show very clearly that the Royal Mail Printed Postage Impressions (PPI) dockets, which form the basis of the creditor’s lawsuit against the BNP, are made out in the name of the party and not “Solasni.”

The “Solasni” connection is merely a post office box which was temporarily used as a correspondence address, and that company has no contract with Royal Mail, nor is liable for, the BNP’s debt with Royal Mail.

In the “mythbusters” circular, printed and mailed out to all members with the latest party bulletin, it was claimed that the £57,000 (which is already the subject of court proceedings) was “billed to a company called Solasni.”

This is blatantly untrue, as the Royal Mail Dockets – signed by Angus Matthys, Nick Griffin’s son-in-law, clearly show.

The dockets which were used to mail out the party’s circulars have been in the party’s name for so long that they actually contain the office address the party’s then treasurer, John Walker, from 2007 – years before the Belfast office was even opened.

It is a scandal that party members’ money has been used to print and mail out this factional misinformation to the members.

This news, coming so soon after the revelation that a judgement had already been taken in the Romac court case against the party, despite the “mythbusters” claim that no such action was even underway, will serve as a further blow to the credibility of any reports emanating from the party’s head office.

It is little short of astounding that the party head office could claim in the “mythbusters” circular that the BNP is not liable for the Royal Mail debts, or that the court action is against a third party.

Below, the Royal Mail PPI dockets, which show the account holder’s name, the address, and even the signature of Angus Matthys from BNP head office.


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