Saturday, July 16, 2011

Penny pinching Ministry of Defence bosses have been slammed by the families of Plymouth sailors who are being denied an operational allowance on a technicality.

Despite being fully operational and involved in Operation Ellamy, the NATO led attack on Libya, the heartless MoD have refused to pay an operational allowance because the carrier aboard which the men are based is just outside of the 12 mile zone.

Marie Winnall, whose partner serves aboard HMS Ocean, said that "We are fuming. It's not about the money – it is the principle that they are not going to be given the allowance because they are just outside the zone. An aircraft carrier can't really get any closer and they are being denied this money on a technicality"

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We shouldn't be involved in attacking Libya to begin with, but now that our politicians have once again led us down the road of aggression and war the very least that we can do is make sure that the families of our servicemen and women are looked after.

Those in charge are all too keen when it comes to sending our people to wage war in far flung places and will overcome any 'technicality' which might legally prevent us from making war, but when it comes to penny pinching then any technicality will do to avoid paying out extra money to those on active duty it seems.


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