Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Andrew Brons MEP

From BNP Ideas

The most recent statement put up on the British National Party website concerning coverage of Andrew Brons’s work as an MEP, the breaking of the link to his official website and claims that he owes the party money are lies, Mr Brons has said in a statement.
“The link between the main website and my MEP website was not broken by my staff,” Mr Brons said.

“It was broken by the people controlling the main BNP website. I did move my site onto a new server but I did not change my domain.

“I own both domain names and both lead to my MEP website. I believe that the link was broken before I moved the MEP website onto a new server.

“There has been a deliberate effort to reduce the coverage of my work on my own MEP website.

“Adam Walker, quite improperly, gave an instruction to Martin Wingfield to restrict reports of my speeches to two each week, when I usually make four or more contributions in a typical week.

“Furthermore, in a recent issue of the new truncated version of the Voice of Freedom, all of the articles that Martin Wingfield had written about my activities were scrapped leaving a tiny article about some leaflet distribution in Thirsk.

“It is quite clear that the leadership of the Party has an agenda to depict me as a ‘do nothing MEP’, when I try to ensure that I maximise the number of speeches that I make in the plenary,” Mr Brons continued.

“Furthermore, I do not owe the Party any money. On 1st December 2010, I was asked by Clive Jefferson and Nick Griffin, to employ (as a European employee and not as a contractor) Chris Barnet for £300 per month to do some unspecified work on my website.

“I asked what work he would do and did not receive any satisfactory explanation.

“I said that I would consider doing so if Chris explained to me what he would do. However, Chris has made no approach to me and therefore did not offer any explanation of what he would do. Nobody else has contacted me about employing him since 1st December.

“On Friday 17th June (a week after announcing my candidature for the leadership election), I received a letter from Clive Jefferson containing some invoices with earlier dates but which I had never previously seen.

“They had obviously been fabricated retrospectively They demanded payment for five months ‘work’ allegedly done by Chris Barnet, at £400 per month making a total of £2,000.

“I have never agreed (or even discussed) employing Chris Barnet as a contractor. It would be quite improper for me to pass to the European Parliament, a demand for payment for unspecified services that I had not asked for or agreed to.

“I have never before been charged rent for my website to be on the main Party server.

“The rent that I pay for my new commercial server is £10 per month. I have not needed to carry out any maintenance on it since moving to a new server.

“I am told that there were some minor flaws on the MEP website before it was moved to the new server but no attempt was made to cure them.

“The only web design work done for me by Chris Barnet was completed in May or June of last year. I received an invoice from him and paid him promptly.

“Chris Barnet is a Party employee and does work for the Party. The letter from Jefferson and the fabricated invoices are clearly an attempt to extract Euro-money to subsidise the Party. If I were to be a party to this, I would be guilty of fraud,” Mr Brons concluded.


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