Saturday, July 9, 2011

Zero insinuation intended, but today has seen some oddities with comments appearing on the BNP main site.

I've no opinion to offer on whether comments should have been allowed or not, but the article in question is the candidate statements issued by the 2 leadership contenders Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons.

Main Site Story -

Here's a screen grab, click to enlarge - it seems that some of these are getting removed from site as I write. But, someone had to approve them in the first place.

Notice the different posters, exactly the same comments? Word for word, posted in replies to other comments.

Cut and paste job using different accounts, some sort of error with Disqus, something automated or a random spambot? It's interesting at least considering how heated this is all getting.

Worth noting too that the 3 accounts 'duping' on the screen grab - SunshinePacket, RegVardy and DownJoes seem only to have signed up to post repeatedly on just this particular story. They've been very active there, all with a common - and often word for word - opinion.

There are probably more 'oddities' in the comments on that story, but those screamed out from the first page of comments I happened to land on. Certainly at a quick look through there appears to be more names involved.

Copies of profiles/pages from Disqus saved in case they vanish/in the hope of shedding some further light on it all.


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