Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trinidad born Jerome Manmohan has been handed sentences totalling 15 years after being convicted at Plymouth Crown Court of a string of offences including supplying heroin, possession of a sawn off shotgun, and of holding a handgun to another addicts head.

Police raided Manmohans home in Union Street after a drug addict had reported being lured to an alleyway where Manmohan was said to have held a pistol to the addicts head and threatened him.

The raid on the Union Street address turned up a sawn off shotgun and a machete. A further raid on an accomplices Stonehouse address unearthed a stun gun, cutting agents, and other paraphernalia relating to the drugs trade.

Manmohan denied the charges against him - conspiracy to supply heroin, possessing a prohibited firearm, supplying heroin, blackmail, and another count of possessing a firearm, this time relating to the incident in which he held a pistol to an addicts head.

Finding him guilty on all counts, Mr Justice Fields said that "You have been a major drug dealer in Plymouth. Two of your customers were addicts and you knew this. A long sentence is inevitable here".

After sentencing, investigating officers DC Kevin Mortimore and DC Paul Leach, commented that "Manmohan presented himself as a law-abiding member of the public but the reality was that he was a drug dealer who had access to both firearms, ammunition and a machete. Thankfully no one was killed or seriously injured by him".

Plymouth is indeed a slightly safer place now Manmohan is locked up, but the sad reality across every town and city in Britain is that there are countless more foreign origin criminals ready to step into his boots and take his place.

In other news today, apparently prisons are now becoming dangerously over-crowded - anyone see a link here?


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