Saturday, July 23, 2011

The population of Poland has fallen by 2 million - dropping from 38 million to 36 million - since joining the EU in 2004, in stark contrast to the UK's ever rising population.

Many of those have left to take up work in other European nations - the UK among them - and demographers at the Warsaw Centre for International Relations, who have studied the migration trends, believe that at least 1 million of those have moved permanently and have no intention of returning.

Estimates put the number of Poles working abroad at 2 million, although a population drop of 2 million within Poland would suggest that this figure may well be much higher. After all, unless death rates there are outstripping birth rates, the 36 million figure will include some natural growth due to childbirth.

Where have they all gone?

Figures from September 2010 show that there are 521,000 Polish people in the UK, an amazing leap from 2004 figures which put the number of Poles here at 95,000. This trend for ever increasing foreign populations/numbers of workers residing and working withing the UK is not just confined to those from Poland either, we have seen it with many EU nations.

That's a quarter of their population drop right there - they're here, that's where they've gone to. Ireland too has a high number of Polish living/working there.

Britain, already overcrowded and suffering from a saturated jobs market, has been recipient to at least a quarter of the mass exodus from Poland, a madness when we consider the current unemployment figures in the UK stand at over 2.45 million people, with 807,000 of them unemployed for over a year.

The EU, with it's free movement of labour ethos, has proved to be a disaster for Britain and the British worker, opening up a jobs market which already has unemployment queues which are too long to competition from anyone in the EU.

For Britain the only sensible course is to leave the EU, to create jobs for British workers, and to end the insanity which sees us become a magnet for workers and economic migrants who are fast growing to represent staggeringly high levels of the population of the UK.

It is unsustainable for us in the UK, and it is also unsustainable for countries like Poland, who see many of working age head abroad in search of the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Big business benefits, the EU who would see all of our nations reduced to nothing more than dots on the map, the same as any town within a nation these days, benefit, the rest of us are all losers.


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