Friday, July 22, 2011


Vermin, becoming an ever increasing problem as Britain faces one of the realities of being an overcrowded nation and a swathe of spending cutbacks which have seen rubbish collections reduced and a whole host of other measures which guarantee the rat population will thrive.

Today brings us a contrast of stories on the subject that make for interesting reading.

MP's, suffering with a rat invasion at the House of Commons and Lords - rats probably feel at home there - have invited pest control firms to tender offers on a £270,000 five year contract to keep vermin in the annals of power under control.

Full Story

Whereas, over in Berkshire, an 80 year old bedridden stroke victim has died, and was found to be covered with rat bites. Other residents have reported finding rats in their childrens beds and that the vermin problem has been going on for at least 3 years.

"I've had rats for three years - they're crawling around in the walls. They've even been in my kid's bed. We've been in touch with the council for the last two years, it's taken this long for something to be done" said local resident Chris Sullivan.

Full Story
We've our own local example in Bridgwater recently, with grandmother Jean Hawkins, who has had a double hip replacement, suffering a plague of rats - and authorities pretty much telling her it is her problem and that she has to pay for it.

Why is it always the same - that when an issue is directly affecting MP's or those at the top of society something is always done fairly quickly, there's always some money available, but when it comes to the rest of us it takes years if anything is ever done at all.

In many instances, when it comes to us little people it seems that nothing would ever get done if it wasn't for some headlines in the press, or a horrifying case like that of the 80 year old stroke victim mentioned above.

We can see here a portrait of modern Britain, of our fabled Big Society.

There's always some money and swift action to insulate the politicians from the consequences of a crumbling, overcrowded, and rubbish strewn nation which they have to bear a large part of the responsibility for having created.

The rest of us - we get rats, inaction, left to make the best of living in the catastrophically collapsing society and nation which is the legacy of years of politicians failures and political indifference to the wellbeing of the British people.


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