Saturday, July 23, 2011

At the beginning of July the Salisbury Branch of the British National Party responded to a local newspaper article in the Salisbury Journal with regards to a Food Charity the Trussell Trust.

The Trussell Trust’s ‘Foodbank’ initiative provides food for those in the UK unable to feed themselves due to redundancy, illness, domestic violence, debt, family breakdown and exorbitant heating costs during winter.
At the end of June the charity made an urgent appeal as its stocks run out. The trust’s workers said supplies of tinned meat and cartons of orange juice have gone, and supplies of tinned fruit and vegetables, pasta sauces and tinned rice pudding are running very low.

The Salisbury Branch immediately swung into action and started raising funds and collecting anything they could which was listed on the Trusts website to help out in anyway they could.

With funds raised, Organiser Sean Witheridge & Activists headed off to the local supermarket last Sunday and shopped with the proceeds to purchase items that were so desperately needed for the charity and came away with two fully laden trollies of supplies.

On Friday 22st July saw the team finish work early load up their vehicles with the supplies and deliver the food parcels to the Charity’s supply depot in Salisbury. Helped by Leslie & Emmerson the team then carried every bag the short distance to the entrance and was let in my the local vicar who saw our supplies and thanked us and stated “ We are always in need of food & thank you”

We were welcomed into the depot and it was announced by Sean that “The British National Party of Salisbury would like to donate this food to the charity for the people of Salisbury and that all proceeds were raised by generous members and supporters of the party in and around Salisbury”

All food was weighed in and we were thanked and thanked on numerous occasions and told how welcomed the supplies were & it was one of the largest single donations to date.The charity has seen of late an increase of families requesting “Emergency food parcels” from the trust. The store manager then informed us of how the Trussell Trust has now set up in the region of two hundred like minded foodbanks across the country as the need for food hand outs increases at an alarming rate.

On leaving ,the team left a forwarding email contact and asked the manager –anytime they are short of something to please inform us and we will do whatever we can to assist and as soon as we can.
It is sad that we have families from all walks of life requesting help from such charities and there are still the ones maybe too proud to ask for such charity and it makes you wonder how they are surviving in this time of such extreme austerity measure.

On a sadder note it was later reported that day that the charity was burgled that very morning in the early hours by mindless selfish idiots who have no place in our society. To steal from a charity that is trying to help you is beyond belief, commented Sean.

THIEVES stole two safes containing £1500 from the Trussell Trust.The gang of burglars smashed a window and entered the charity’s headquarters at St Michael’s community centre in Bemerton Heath.
So Sean would like to plead with any member or supporter to please if you can afford to, then donate to the charity and help replenish their funds at The Trussell Trust

A big thank you to all who donated towards the food

Reports Emmerson Collier


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