Sunday, July 17, 2011

Site Comments - Fair is Fair

Only pointing this out since it came up at the Swindon hustings.

During that hustings Nick referred to a comment which was supposedly posted in article comments on BNP Ideas and which allegedly linked to, I believe it was mentioned, a download of that allegations booklet sent out at the start of the leadership challenge.

I could be wrong on the details, but a fairly big deal was made of the comment - which may or may not have existed, I could not find it for myself when I looked afterwards, and I believe neither could Andrews team when he tried checking during an interval. As a bystander not privy to any info on that I'll hedge my bets and offer no opinion whatsoever on whether it was there but got deleted, or was not there to begin with.

If comments on sites are fair game then best to point out the following :

It's posted on and it points to.....the RWB Salford blog, and a posting of that 'unofficial' Nick promo video complete with the same fawning eulogy that was posted on Simon Derbys blog, and which was again linked to from the main site.

Just thought it was worth pointing out. If a commenters post is reason enough to make a big deal about at the hustings, stands to reason Mr Griffins team will be grateful for having this comment brought to their attention.

Fair is fair after all. If "don't read this" is a suitable qualifier to make it acceptable then that opens a whole can of worms which would best be left closed.


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