Monday, July 11, 2011

Abdisamad Sufi, the Somalian criminal who we can't deport due to EU Human Rights rulings, is back in prison again after being jailed for attempting to burgle two houses and resisting arrest.

Sufi was found in possession of wire cutters and screwdrivers when stopped by police, and CS gas was used when he resisted arrest. Despite having numerous previous convictions magistrates sentenced him to a mere six weeks in prison for these new offences.

Smirking enricher Sufi - he's got plenty to grin about, although the same can't be said for Britain - who entered the UK illegally using a false passport in 2003, has proved himself prolific at enriching the crime statistics having been convicted of multiple offences including fraud, burglary, attempted burglary, and indecent exposure.

Despite attempts to deport him, apparently we cannot because he might be persecuted in Somalia - even though his account of his reason for fleeing was declared to not be credible by officials - the ruling under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights ensures that his right to remain here, rob Britain blind and flout British law is protected.

Sufi, who apparently cannot even speak English - statements he has made to the media have been made through an interpreter - represents yet another burden on Britain, here and doing what he likes, and knowing that we're not going to do a thing about it other than lock him up when we catch him.

There's been much talk lately of the need for cutbacks and cost cutting among many government departments. Without the massive influx of foreign criminals inflicted upon the UK we'd be spending less on locking people up, less on investigating crime, and less on interpreters among many other things.

Mass immigration and blind adherence to human rights laws penned by foreign bureaucrats are quite simply incompatible with a country which is, supposedly, being forced by financial circumstances to hugely cut back on expenditure. Foreign criminals impose a staggering cost across the board.

We have utterly lost control of our borders, and the right to determine who can remain in our country - and the cost both financially and to society is astounding.

Were these people not here to begin with, had we the power to boot them out, then we'd all be much better off. It's about time our rights were put before those of every foreign criminal out there.


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