Saturday, July 16, 2011

Todays Telegraph asks a rather interesting question - "Why has Britain turned into a giant rubbish bin?".

The gist is basically that our streets are awash with rubbish because people have become selfish, living in a bubble, and just do not care.

Take a quick read for yourselves

The conclusion given is that "The study of so despised a thing as litter brings us close to deep questions of philosophy: how should we live, what are we here for, what do I owe my neighbour? The answer that we have given to the latter in Britain is 'Nothing'."

There's some truth there, although it needs to be taken far further than the Telegraph article takes it.

We have witnessed all sense of community and respect destroyed in the mad rush to become a diverse society where anything goes save for discrimination, where all ways of thinking are considered as equally valid.

How can you owe your neighbour anything when it's some huge Somalian family, not even speaking English, who live luxuriously on the taxpayers back whilst you are left to labour for a pittance and get by just about making ends meet?

Would you dare say something to kids dropping litter in this day in age, when they'll probably turn around and try to kick hell out of you, and the police will probably have you up on an assault charge into the bargain?

We have all but destroyed community, there is no central value at all any more. In a fragmented society people retreat into self, despairing at the chaos which characterises 'outside'.

The rubbish on our streets reflects the detritus which has all but smothered our society - why should we care that the streets are tidy when we know that the country and society in which we live is such a mess?

A selfish view perhaps, but one that is all too common and even natural. Why apply window dressing to something which is broken?

Getting our streets and beauty spots clean involves far more than filling a few rubbish bags. It will not happen until the British people are given back something they can respect, a community to which they can belong, and something which they can be proud of.

In the chaos of this multicultural, hedonistic, rights obsessed Britain, the average person has none of these things, they know that they do not matter at all to the powers that be. They have no place, and how do you care about somewhere where you feel you do not belong?.

Is it any wonder that they just don't care about window dressing any more, they know that the whole country is currently rubbish so a few more bits of litter won't really make a difference?

The greatest crime is not the man throwing a few empty cans out of his car window, instead it is the crime committed by the politicians who have presided over the destruction of community within Britain and who have made sure to remove any sense of pride in our country which the average Brit might feel.


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