Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why the Silence?

This leadership challenge has brought much mudslinging, as expected, but the amazing thing is that no-one in the mainstream media has picked up on it at all. Usually desperate for any hint of dirt on the BNP, instead they've ignored us. It poses a question - Why the silence?

We should be succeeding, we had opportunity aplenty to build on our successes - MEPs elected, great showings on council elections, and yet we haven't, we are - and there's really no good way to spin it - in a mess and sliding downhill fast.

We can't cop out and blame it on the reds or the state all the time, other Nationalist parties in Europe face exactly the same obstacles and appear to be doing rather well.

This is a time when nationalism should be flourishing within the UK, the conditions are perfect - but we are not flourishing, we're infighting and all but ignored, activist and voter support is at a low ebb.

Even the UAF have given up on us it seems, with story after story on their site about the EDL. We don't even merit a mention. We've gone in a short space of years from a party which genuinely frightened the establishment to a party in tatters.

They probably rather like the way we have been in the last few years. They don't need to do a thing to make sure we fail, we do it to ourselves. Either by outright incompetence or something more sinister we have done a damn good job of rendering ourselves a moot point in British politics.

Yes, some mainstream parties are picking up on points that the BNP have made, some even sound like they are echoing BNP policy - it may show that our ideas were right, but it has done very little in terms of winning us support or welding us into a coherent fighting force.

We've debts - the real level is a matter of speculation because nobody in the leadership is telling us so we have to believe the worse. There are all kinds of rumours and allegations, and nobody does a thing to refute it - or, if they do, a case in point being that debts refutation on the main site, it's done so clumsily and dubiously that it only gives rise to more doubts. The media should have a field day, and yet - silence.

What we, the BNP rank and file, have been left with is uncertainty.

We, the members, do not know what the party owes. We do not know what the future of the party is. We don't know the truth - or otherwise - of many of the allegations. All we know is that we should be succeeding and making progress, but we are not. We've seen turnouts at meetings - at least here in the SW - collapse. Not unique to the SW most likely, nor is the fact that we have seen so many good colleagues in this struggle walk away in frustration.

This should be our time - but it is not. Britain is ripe for nationalism, and we are the party who should be there striding forth and taking nationalism into the mainstream, winning support, and building our nations future. But we are not, as we currently stand we are an irrelevance.

I began this article with a question - Why the silence? - and the answer is, quite simply, that we suit the establishment how we are. Going nowhere under the present leadership, embroiled in internal scandal after internal scandal, and running ourselves into the ground.

The press and the reds don't need to drive people away from us - we've spent the last few years doing it ourselves with bad decisions, incompetence, and the general whiff that there might indeed be something more sinister and dishonest to those at the top.

Were someone opposed to the BNP, had someone an agenda to bring us down, then they'd be wise to want no change, nothing would suit them better than for things to carry on the way they have been - for if they do then the BNP will destroy itself more completely than any establishment attack ever could.

That's why the silence - because another year or two of this, at most, and we'll have done our enemies job for them and destroyed the only hope that Britain has left.

Every day we stay the same we take a step backwards, and every step backwards is another nail in the coffin of the country and people we love.

SWN Web Team


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