Friday, July 15, 2011

The already hard pressed British people could face a 1% rise in VAT - all thanks to the EU who are planning to make sure that they screw us for even more than they already get.

Currently 0.3% of VAT we pay, on just about everything we buy, goes to the EU. That's not enough for them, they'd like to see a 1.3% figure so that they can snatch every last penny from our pockets.

It's not like all of us are already broke enough already, without having to pay extra to the EU?

Current European Commission proposals would see us doing just that. 1.3% doesn't sound a lot, but notch that up figuring we pay VAT on nearly everything we buy, and that's a whole lot more British money going into the EU coffers.

Our treasury could absorb the extra costs, although that would still represent British money which is not spent on the British people, but it seems fairly unlikely.

What we'll see should these proposals be implemented is a VAT hike. We all know government. They'll pay out the extra 1% for a year, then suddenly tell us that VAT is going up from 20% to 22.5% - care to take a bet on that?

We are taxed to the hilt. We are labouring under unprecedented cutbacks, and we will end up paying more however you look at it.

We put far more money into the EU than we get out of it, at least unless you count insane human rights rulings and rampant bureaucracy as a net profit for Britain.

The EU cares not a damn for us in Britain, not beyond keeping us contributing our astoundingly high amounts of money and dreaming up new ways to get us to give even more at any rate.

0.3% on VAT just to give to the EU is already too much, and too many people are unaware that they are paying this to our unelected European masters nearly every time they spend money.

Instead of upping it to 1.3% we should just give them 0% - that's all they deserve.

Indeed, they should be paying us money, they've fleeced Britain and the British people for enough on just about every front imaginable.

It's time they gave us something back and didn't constantly ask us for more. Else, why are we having anything to do with the whole greedy bunch?

The EU, like the unholy Lib/Lab/Con trinity, do nothing but take, take, take. You get less, you give more, you're nothing but a cash cow sitting there ready to be milked. You deserve better.


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