Sunday, July 24, 2011

With people across Britain facing bills for gas and electricity which are rising by anywhere up to 18%, an interesting report from the Mirror shows that we alone in Europe are being subjected to such staggering increases.

In Italy prices are not rising at all. Spain is seeing a mere 1.5% rise in the cost of electricity, and no rise in gas prices. For France it's a 3% hike to electricity prices, and once again gas prices are remaining the same.

The Mirror article speculates - and on this one has to agree with them - that many foreign owner energy companies are pushing up their prices within the UK in order to subsidise the far lower increases, or even freezes, within their own countries.

Full Story
Many Britons, already hit by increasing costs across the board, especially on essentials such as food, face increasingly difficult times just making ends meet already, the further burden imposed by huge price increases in the prices of gas and electricity will for many, especially the poor and elderly, be the proverbial straw which broke the camels back.

To learn that we are bearing the brunt of these increases so that foreign owned power firms can subsidise customers within their own countries and cushion them from huge price increases will, to say the least, leave many in the UK with a bitter taste.

What does our useless government do to protect the British? Nothing, they are even planning on scrapping customer champion Consumer Focus, and doing away with Ofgem's duty to protect low income customers. On behalf of pensioners and the poor, thank you very much heartless ConDem.

Many in the UK will face an expensive and bitter winter this year, forced into the terrible decision of whether to heat or to eat, whilst energy companies enjoy rising profits at our expense and people in other nations are insulated from the price hikes.

Once again, the people of Britain are expected to pay.


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