Sunday, July 24, 2011

"In your case, Iqbal, the fact is you raped two young white females. I have no hesitation you pose a significant risk to members of the public, especially young, white females" - Judge Timothy Clayson, sentencing Adil Iqbal for the rape of two girls aged thirteen and sixteen.

At last, a judge who dares to state the forbidden truth, that there is a distinct racial element to very many of these child grooming and sex offences carried out by Asian men against young girls who are, in the majority of cases, white.

Judge Claysons remarks came as he passed sentence on Adil Iqbal and Mazar Latif - both men had raped a sixteen year old girl after plying her with drink and drugs.

In a separate incident Iqbal had also raped a thirteen year old girl after locking her in a room, her ordeal only ending when the victims friend demanded to be let in.

Both Iqbal, aged 25, and Latif, 43, had denied rape, but were found guilty after a trial.

Of Iqbal and Latifs religion no mention is made, but here we have a clear statement from a judge which could be applied to not just this case, but to so many of the grooming and abuse cases we have seen in recent years - that the fact that the victims were white was not coincidence, that there are many 'Asian' men who pose a specific danger to young, white girls.

There have been so many horrific cases, some which make the media and which we find out about, countless others which we never hear of at all - and in so many of them the common factor is the fact that the victims are white and the perpetrator/s are Asian.

Officialdom has, for too long, chosen to utterly ignore the truth, putting such abstract and imaginary ideas as preserving "community cohesion" higher on the list of priorities than protecting our children, preferring to downplay any racial or cultural element for fear that Britain may see the reality of the nightmare which has been inflicted upon our kids.

Judge Claysons words should serve as a wake up call to just what is going on up and down this country of ours, to tell us all the danger which our children now face.

The myths and deceptions created by the establishment to hide the reality of Britain's nightmare are crumbling, the whole bitter truth of the betrayal of Britain's children is becoming more evident each and every day.

Sadly, it comes too late to prevent many children from having suffered a horrifying ordeal which no child should ever have to endure, but it is not too late for us to say never again, not one more child will ever be allowed to suffer so.


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