Monday, July 18, 2011

Members Questions Answered

At the recent South West Hustings the question of party debt was mentioned:

The following has now appeared on the BNP Ideas website

It has been confirmed that judgement was given, uncontested, against defendant “Nicholas Griffin” in the Northampton County Court on 15 July in favour of Romac Press Ltd.

In the “mythbusters” document recently circulated to party members, the BNP head office said that the printing debt was “false.”

However, Andrew Brons MEP, telephoned the Northampton County Court (telephone 0845 408 5302) this morning and asked about the case of Romac Press Ltd v. Nicholas Griffin (Claim Number 1XN25135).

“The lady asked me what my interest in the case was and I explained that Mr. Griffin represented an unincorporated association of which I was a member and I wished to check on the accuracy of information given to me,” Mr Brons said.

“She told me that she could give me details of any judgment because that information was in the public domain. She then told me that a judgment order had been given on 15th July in favour of Romac Press Ltd and against Nicholas Griffin.

“In the recent bulletin it was stated that Romac Press had not even sent any invoices and that the party would make a counter-claim against Romac Press, in the event of any claim.

“Yesterday at the Scottish husting both Mr. Griffin and Mr. Jefferson said that no papers had been served on them. However, it is now clear that a judgment had been given against them a week before,” Mr Brons said.

“We were previously told by our Chairman that the Michaela McKenzie case had been overturned on appeal. It has not.

“Our Chairman has attempted to make three appeals against the original judgment and all have failed. The case continues on the 9th August.

“If our Chairman is prepared to tell lies about these two cases, can we trust that he has told the truth when he says that other debts have been settled, paid or are no longer owed?” Mr Brons asked.

Mr Brons also advised national nominating officer Clive Jefferson in an email exchange earlier this morning that he (Mr Brons) has “a duty to the membership of this Party to protect them from misinformation that you and our Chairman are only too willing to distribute to them.”

If anyone in the region or elsewhere has documentary evidence of unpaid party debt then please send it to this website and we will publish the information.

We hope that this information answers some of the questions from the members


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