Monday, July 18, 2011

Californian Jessica Nicholl, married to a British man since 2009, faces deportation from the UK - despite having a British husband, and having just lost a daughter to stillbirth.

Their legal nightmare began after Jessica fell pregnant and the couple started to take steps to regularise her status as a spouse. Previously she had been here on a visitors visa, now expired.

Last week a judge ruled against allowing her to stay longer, despite the fact that the family are grieving for their lost child and that her husband, John, is suffering from depression after a string of deaths in the family, including that of his son from a previous relationship.

"Our family in the UK is guaranteeing to support me if necessary...I am willing and eager to work, pay taxes and contribute to the welfare of my new home, as well as giving up any rights to any social benefits" said Jessica, quoted in the Guardian.

There. No burden to Britain, a British husband and family, no wish to sponge off of the welfare state, and yet she has to go according authorities.

We can't deport Sri Lankan murderers because they've got a pet cat and it would infringe their human rights, or Somalian burglars who've probably robbed off the locals in their homeland and who might face a bit of Sharia justice, or crazy Islamists who want to see us all dead, but we can boot out a bereaved mother with a sick British husband.

Does any of this make sense to you, because it sure doesn't from where I am sitting.

There is something seriously wrong with a system which seemingly compels us to be invaded by nutjobs, criminals, scroungers, and people who despise us from nearly every nation on earth, but where we can manage to make sure that the law is vigorously enforced in what seems to be a genuine and deserving case.

Something just isn't right with our borders, our laws, and with the people who are supposed to be running them, nothing about the whole sorry mess we are in seems to make sense.


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