Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Money, money, money. It's always money. The cost of everything is going up, we've all got less than ever.

Gas and electric, going up what, 10-20% and that's on top of earlier rises. More on the way to fund the green power deception.

Food, up by 6.5% overall according to the ONS, with meat up 7.2% and bread up 8.5%. Funny, feels like a lot more when paying up at the supermarket checkout.

Rail fares, they're about to increase by anywhere up to 8% pretty much across the board.

Fuel? Heck, can't even afford to run a car here.

We're all burdened with the VAT increase kindly slapped on us by caring ConDem.

Despite all this the cost of living is apparently going down. No idea where they are looking, it sure doesn't seem to be anywhere I know.

Rents cost more. Okay, buying a house is in many cases cheaper, if you can get a mortgage to begin with, but that ignores the fact that the collapse left many with their bricks and mortar savings wiped out and many more plunged into negative equity.

If you're fortunate enough to have tucked a nice nest egg away in the bank, well, it's not earning much with miserable interest rates, it'll buy you less almost day on day.

Virtually everything costs a fortune nowadays, and incomes just haven't kept pace. If you're lucky enough to have a job you're counting your blessings if your wages even went up 1%.

What pensioner with their paltry increase on the state pension is going to be able to keep up with all that?

And what to we get? Bank bailouts. Bailouts for foreign countries economies. Ever rising foreign aid standing at obscene levels. Wars and bombing campaigns. All of which we pick up the bill for.

When on earth are we going to do something about our nations problems? How many pensioners are going to face the 'heat or eat' dilemma this winter, and how many will die as a result? How many Brits of all ages are facing a poverty which they do not deserve?

Our pockets are getting picked, they'd even take the moths out of our wallets if they thought they could get a few quid for them, and still we end up voting the same old bunch back into power.

Someone seriously try telling me that there isn't something wrong with this picture, that the people of Britain do not deserve better than to be priced out of living in our own country?


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