Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"I am saying what I've always said, that the party comes first and when things are tight we need to be spending on our own first. Isn't that our policy on foreign aid?

If this printer was truly a supporter of the party he would have understood and been prepared to wait a little, or at least to accept 20% in repayment. Nobody who issues a court summons against the party has any claim to our sympathy. On the contrary he needs now to be regarded as a hostile party and sent packing with as little as possible - that is if he wins. I have no doubt that this claim will be contested vigorously." - 'Derrick Day', British Democracy Forum, referring to the debts we seemingly owe to Romac Press.

Now, and no proof so nothing more said, word around seems to be that the poster is someone high up in official circles of the Patty [Sic] [ED : Party?]. With no substantial proof, no comment. It's really neither here nor there anyway.

But, either way, it is a damning indictment of the attitude of some within this party.

The foreign aid argument is moot and undermining of our stance on foreign aid - there's a big difference between owing money for services rendered, and giving it away in some free for all of gifts to all comers. Totally inaccurate point, nothing to see here, please move along.

What this really says is that we can screw companies out of money. We can rip them off and take forever to pay them, and it's okay because if they were truly nationalists or party supporters they'd roll over, take it, and not pursue the debt - c'mon, great attitude and great advertisement for us : let us do whatever, accept peanuts in return, lump it or else.

How many of those companies, be it bosses or workers, are going to vote for the British National Party knowing that we ripped them off?

If there is any truth in our claim of supporting British jobs for British workers then are we not hypocrites if we endanger that by short changing small businesses?

We *have* to be better than that. We need a reputation for paying promptly, for being a party who it is good to do business with, a party which will honour its commitments. Else, we're Lib/Lab/Con with a lot more flag waving, not the one party that people can trust.

Sticking to our own principles aside, the word of mouth that being trusted can generate is priceless to us.

Such contempt for businesses is appalling, it's no wonder so many don't want a thing to do with us. Even those who see past the media smear and who might give us a chance are likely thinking "why bother, the [expletives] will rip us off anyway".

If we cannot be trusted by those we do business with then why in Gods name should the British people trust us?


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