Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Pathetic, Shameful and Disturbing


According to the party’s national website it was brought down by a denial of service attack late last night. Judging from its adolescent look and feel, we consider it far more likely that it merely crumpled in a heap – perhaps died from shame over the standard of its content.

That this embarrassing, partisan, Nick Griffin promoting entity – a mere shadow of what was once a respected and authoritative news source – should claim to have been “attacked” beggars belief.

The Far-Left, for instance, have every reason for wishing it well as it reflects in both content and integrity exactly what the party has been reduce to.


Just one day after a “report” on party finances was published on the Nick Griffin fanzine website referred to above, we learn that £46,000 was awarded AGAINST the party last Friday in Northampton Crown Court.

Yet for some reason no mention has been made of this on the national website nor in said “report”; a document, incidentally, wholly inadequate in terms of detail insofar as it relates to accounts, accounting and accountability. Indeed, a document many consider to be just another example of Head Office deceit and naked contempt for the membership at large.

Furthermore we can confirm that we have had no response from Head Office to the question asked yesterday on this site, namely: “has the party’s 2010 financial return been lodged with the Electoral Commission on time, fully complete and signed off without reservation by the auditors?” 

Our suspicion is that it has not.


Worst of all, despite some ten days now having elapsed since the nationwide distribution of a third party booklet containing a large number of damaging allegations, Head Office has failed to provide a comprehensive allegation by allegation rebuttal of the claims made in that document.

What we find deeply disturbing is that Head Office has neglected, for reasons we can but guess at, to answer (far less deny) those claims alluding to the unwholesome backgrounds and activities of some at the centre of this party.


The membership deserve answers – the membership deserves better.


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