Thursday, July 14, 2011

Twin figures out today show the extent to which Britain is labouring under a mass influx of immigrants and is rapidly becoming a colonised nation, where foreign workers are taking the jobs, and where immigrant births are rapidly outstripping those of our own people.

We've warned on this site before of colonisation by the cradle and the astoundingly high number of births among immigrants in Britain - todays figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) prove it.

25.1% of children born in the UK in 2010 were born to migrants, 181,514 children from a total of 723,165 newborns.

This has shown an alarming rise decade on decade. For 2000 it was 15.5%, and in 1990 it stood at 11.6%.

As an example of the pressure which is placing on services across the board, the Royal College of Midwives has recently warned that 4,700 new midwives are needed to handle the increase. Across the board the costs and burdens are immense.

Just a few days ago we saw figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reveal that Britain is the number one destination in Europe for immigrants to settle permanently.

In the entire world only America, of course blessed with having a vastly larger land mass than the UK, received more permanent immigrants than us.

379,000 foreigners settled here in 2009, a 14% rise on the previous year, coming at a time when most other countries witnessed a drop in immigrants settling permanently.

Population growth, driven by twin factors of immigration and children born to immigrants, is completely unsustainable at anything like the rates we are witnessing.

Also out, again from the Office for National Statistics, are statistics for the number of foreign workers occupying jobs in the UK.

Currently standing at just over 4 million, a rise of 334,000 on the previous year, and coming on top of the revelation that a full 81% of new jobs in Britain went to foreign workers, it is clear that the British worker is being forced out of the British jobs market.

With unemployment standing at an official 2.45million people in the 3 months til May, it is impossible not to see the link with foreign labour occupying job vacancies nor the absurdity of continuing to import more workers to enter a jobs market where there is already a devastatingly high number of people unemployed.

The whole situation is destructive to Britain and the British people. Our economy is in ruins, we import more people and impose more burdens. There is a housing and a jobs shortage, so we import more people to occupy what little we have. We head towards overpopulation at a rate which will lead to national collapse and we sow the seeds for even greater population increases in years to come.

The British workplace, the British schoolyard, the British maternity ward, and nearly every other facet of national life, all are fast becoming places where the British people are pushed aside, a part of Britain that is more foreign than British.


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