Wednesday, July 20, 2011

As the Islamification of Britains streets continues, posters have begun appearing in several areas of London proclaiming that people are now entering an area which is under Shariah law.

The poster informs us that Islamic rules will be enforced, and that there will be no alcohol, no gambling, no music or concerts, no drugs or smoking, and no porn or prostitution.

It rounds off by proudly announcing "Shariah : A better society".

Allegedly behind the campaign is usual suspect Anjem Choudary, who somehow is still walking around Britain a free man with our hapless authorities doing nothing much to halt his endeavours to turn areas of Britain into Islamic enclaves.

"This will mean this is an area where the Muslim community will not tolerate drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, usury, free mixing between the sexes – the fruits if you like of Western civilisation" he told the Daily Star in an earlier interview.

Perhaps we need a poster of our own to display at every point of entry into the UK, and on every street corner.

You are now entering a Sharia free zone. No halal. No child grooming. No forced marriages. No honour killings. No mosques.

We'd certainly be a better, and a safer, nation if we hadn't allowed all of those things, and many more, to take root in our society by way of our ignorant assumption that Islam could somehow become a part of a free thinking, liberal Western society.

Instead, it is Islam putting up the posters, telling us how we will behave.

How long before it moves beyond posters and becomes enforcement of Shariah by vigilante threats and violence? To some degree it already has, although our controlled media and tame government do their best to keep it quiet.

Today it is a poster on the wall, tomorrow it will be a kangaroo court and an unspoken truth that Sharia will take precedence over UK law in some areas of our country.

We are in for a frightening future as Islam grows and flexes its muscles within the UK, Sharia law is coming. Islam has made no secret of it, how much longer can we keep our heads in the sand and pretend it isn't happening?


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