Monday, August 29, 2011

As the UK's human rights insanity and compensation culture continues, a convicted paedophile is suing - because he was forced to share a cell with a smoker.

Mahmood Qadri was convicted of sexually abusing two young girls at Edinburgh's Polwarth mosque, and was sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Now, because he was placed in a cell with a smoker, he's demanding £10,000 in compensation, saying that being exposed to passive smoking has caused him "significant physical and mental stress".

Qadri is currently awaiting a decision as to whether he will get legal aid to pursue the case.

Care to take a bet on whether he'll get his legal aid and we'll be paying?

Of course you don't, you'd be crazy if you bet £1 against £100, we all know there always seems to be legal aid on tap to ensure that perverts can get their human rights.

Sorry Mahmood, you get a cough, your young victims get to carry those scars for life. You are there because of your own actions, they had no say in whether you abused them or not.

Any compensation as a result of this, and it's a fair certainty how things will turn out given how insane the human rights free for all is, should go to the victims. Simple.

We've always an army of lawyers and legal aid available on demand to make sure that those who commit horrible offences can get their rights protected - it's probably quite profitable to be a child abuser if you can find some hook to sue the authorities on.

Abuse a child and win the compensation lottery, you've just got to find some human rights issue to whine about whilst in prison, the taxpayer will do the rest and pay out your prize.

What kind of message does that send?

It is high time that the rights were given back to the law abiding, that victims had rights to be protected - not how it is now where every right seems to belong to the wrongdoer, you can commit a crime and win prizes.

Tell us again Nick Clegg how that human rights madness you so passionately defended in the Guardian is such a great thing, isn't flawed, and doesn't result in travesties like this becoming the norm.


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