Sunday, August 28, 2011

Work will shortly begin in Somerset on the site of the first nuclear power station to be built in Britain for 20 years; should nuclear power be embraced or rejected by nationalists?

Hinkley Point on the Somerset Bristol Channel coast is the site of two existing nuclear power stations.

The oldest plant, known as Hinkley A, was closed ten years ago and is presently being decommissioned.

The second installation, Hinkley B, is due to close in 2016 and is still operating – even though it has cracks in the reactor core.

Three years ago the French electricity giant Electricite de France (EdF) bought British Energy, the then owner of nearly all of Britain’s operating power stations.

EdF now plans to build the largest nuclear station in the country, comprising two huge 1,600 Megawatt reactors, on a site adjacent to the existing Hinkley plants.

The new development will, not surprisingly, be known as Hinkley C.

This will be the first new nuclear power station to be constructed in Britain for over 20 years; the first of at least ten to be dotted around the country over the next ten to twenty years.

Read the rest of this excellent article by Clive Wakely on BNP Ideas.


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