Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Interesting news from Liberia, where an error in the referendum on constitutional changes resulted in all possible votes on one question being identical.

Voters were supposed to be asked if judges should retire at 70 or 75, but the error meant that the ballot lists 75 twice, thus giving the voters no choice at all.

It also seems that the referendum organisers were fully aware of the error, but chose not to inform voters.

Don't go getting any ideas Dave Cameron, scratching your chin, and wondering if this might be a perfect way to give us that promised - but never delivered - referendum on our involvement with the EU.

"Do you want closer ties and further integration with the EU?"



Bet it's tempting though.

You could keep that pledge, deliver a referendum, and not have to risk needing to run it a couple more times until we gave the right answer, otherwise known as the answer which was the one you wanted all along and was the only answer which would be accepted.

It would be so wonderfully multicultural as well, you could claim to have enriched British politics and EU membership with enlightening wisdom from African elections.

No, no, don't go getting any ideas Dave.

Best we hush now before you spend that holiday in Cornwall lying in the sun and convincing yourself that it might be something worth trying, that "honest guv, it was a typo!" might just work.


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