Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fresh from Housing Minister Grant Shapps comes an answer to the UK housing crisis and the shortage of affordable homes - get more people to live on houseboats.

Now, I've certainly nothing against houseboats, but they're far from a solution to the housing problems faced by the UK.

Though, boats certainly do play a part if we are to solve the 'housing crisis'. As do planes, and ferries, and Eurostar crossings.

The housing crisis is a politically created crisis, fuelled in large part by mass immigration to this country and political failure to tackle this.

How on the one hand we can bemoan the fact we're short of houses in the UK, and yet then continue letting hundreds of thousands of more people come here year on year, will make little sense to most people.

Where do the politicians think these people are going to live?

In the homes that we already know we haven't got enough of, that's where!

Everyone - other than the politicians - have worked that one out, that whether an immigrant arrives with a job already here, or speaking no English and clutching a piece of paper reading "asylum, then I kill the kuffar", they are going to require somewhere to live whilst they remain in the UK.

Then we get to the need for more - and bigger - housing as a result of higher immigrant birth rates and typically larger families, another weight on an already over-stretched housing system.

It's so simple, until we solve the immigration crisis there will always be a housing crisis, and the shortage of houses will continue to get worse.

The most obvious statement of all - worth saying in case anyone in government does listen, some hope of that I know - is that more people equals more homes needed.

An ever increasing population brings an ever increasing need for homes, and added demand in a market where there are already shortages drives up prices.

When does the whole system break down - when we hit 65 million people, 70 million people, or is it already broken and just held together with sticky tape and political fix it quick schemes to buy a little more time before the inevitable?


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