Tuesday, August 30, 2011

As Britains foreign crimewave continues, shocking new figures obtained under a Freedom of Information request reveal that nearly 1 in 3 youth offenders passing through Feltham Young Offenders Institute were born outside of the UK.

The figures, covering January 2010 until April 2011, revealed that 632 of the approximate 2,000 inmates who passed through the institute during that time were foreign born.

Topping the for table for youth offenders was Somalia, with Somalians making up 9.96% of non-UK offenders.

Romania didn't trail far behind, with 48 inmates, or 7.59%, and Jamaica also featured highly with 41 criminals, or 6.5%.

Afghanistan, Nigeria, Algeria, and Lithuania also featured highly.

Bear in mind that is just one young offenders establishment, the pattern is one that we will see across the nation.

These days it takes rather a lot for people under the age of 18 to be locked up - even if caught - so these figures for those actually incarcerated will represent just the tip of the iceberg of the foreign origin epidemic of youth crime which is blighting Britain.

Not just among youth but among all offenders we are seeing crime rocket thanks to foreign nationals.

Recent figures revealed that 91,234* foreign nationals were arrested in the UK during 2010 for offences which included rape and murder. In 2008 that figure stood at only 51,889 - in 2 short years the number is getting perilously close to doubling.

We saw the price we are paying in the recent riots, we see it daily in gang culture and areas of our land transformed into warzones.

We've a prison population which is standing at record levels - and was before it was swelled even further in the aftermath of the riots - and a nation where we end up paying foreign criminals to leave, a nation where human rights laws trump our nations right to be free of foreign crime.

Our nation labours under the onslaught of the crimewave which is the inevitable result of the multicultural experiment.

Prisons are overcrowded, the cost to the taxpayer is staggering, and the British people deserve better than to watch - and to become victims - as our nation is transformed into a haven for the criminals of the world and becomes rich pickings for criminals from every nation on earth.

*Based on data from only 19 of 52 police forces, actual figure will be higher - Daily Mail


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