Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Costly Asylum Burden

Migrationwatch have released a new report into migration trends which highlights the catastrophic failure and wastage which has accompanied mass immigration into the UK.

With a staggering cost imposed on the British taxpayer that is in the region of £10 billion, and totally flawed laws which saw only three quarters of those claiming asylum ending up staying here anyway whatever the outcome of their claim, it is evident that the whole system is a nightmarish mess.

Although the problem exploded under the Labour government - let 'em all in Labour as I like to call them - it's a problem which continues to this day and which none of Lib/Lab/Con will ever fix.

Britain, through lax laws, human rights, compliant courts, and entire decades of politicians who would subject us to social engineering on an unprecedented scale, has become the immigration magnet of the world.

Our system is a mess, our borders no longer mean a thing, and it is all of us paying the price on so many fronts.

We are fast becoming an overcrowded nation, and a nation which in places nobody could possibly recognise as Britain.

We are left picking up huge financial costs in countless areas and watching as we fast approach collapse point with all the additional burdens imposed.

Yet still they tell us that it's good for the economy, that immigration enriches us, that it benefits us.

They'll still be saying that as we plunge over the edge of the abyss and into the dark embrace of oblivion.

Migrationwatch report - Here


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