Friday, August 26, 2011

Like some (C)legless drunken optimist good old Nick Clegg, deputy poodl..errr prime minister staggers into his latest effort at being taken seriously as a politician, this time writing in the Guardian and telling us that human beings need rights.

They certainly do Nick, only some get more rights than others no?

Don't try and tell me they don't, nor to blame it on the tabloids just for reporting on bad cases.

Are foreign murderers, rapists, and other criminals, managing to remain here on human rights legislation or not?

Do paedophiles and convicts win rights that make a mockery of their punishments and of protecting society?

Has the whole existence and adherence to the insanity of human rights turned British justice into a theatre of the absurd?

Does this society not look like somewhere where everyone is always screaming rights, the lawyers fees - borne by the state, aka the taxpayer - are immense, and where responsibility or common sense are forgotten concepts?

Bark once for yes or twice for no, that time as performing poodle on Camerons leash must have taught you that. Get back in your kennel, bad dog.

No good citing Libya as a great example of where we are upholding rights, so we've got to remain slave to insane rights here.

Try being - for example - a British rapist attacking the locals in Tripoli. You think you're going to live to make it to that appeal where you can claim your rights would be breached if deported?

Do you honestly think there have not been - and never will be - any human rights abuses on the part of those lovely, rights respecting, rebels?

Think carefully on that one, very carefully. Just because the media mostly ignored it doesn't mean it didn't happen and can't be proved, there's plenty of video footage on the internet.

If Gaddafi turned up in the UK - and if I were him I'd sure head here, nowhere on earth is so stupid as Britain - you'd support his human right not to be deported back to Libya because he would face questionable justice, persecution, and not get a fair trial?

You choose to point to an absurdity - a fugitive receiving a Kentucky dinner whilst on a roof - and point out that there is no human right to fried chicken. And, of course, you blame the police in this instance - who are also slaves to human rights insanity, nobody has a clue about this madness, they're stuck erring on the side of caution or paying out a fortune in lawyers fees.

That's your case of the absurd. Again, bark once for yes - have terrorists, killers, rapists managed to obtain decisions under human rights legislations which put their rights above those of the law abiding British?

Has human rights legislation resulted in a climate where established law, and any kind of moral or common sense judgement in the national interest, can be rendered meaningless?

Woof? Woof, woof? C'mon, honest answer and you can have a bone, next time some idiot throws paint you can pick your own colour. Yellow maybe? Pink?

In amidst the whole rights insanity there may - and I emphasise may - have been some good decisions.

Mostly though, it has resulted in a system which creates a society where rights are denied to the established people, to the law abiding, to those who really deserve rights and protections.

A nation where rights are denied to Britain itself, and to decent British people.

Blame judges for their interpretation of human rights, blame police and other bodies for walking in terror lest they break some right, but it's the politicians who created this and allowed it to get to this point.

Not only that, it's the politicians who have sat idle whilst rights are dished out to everyone - other than those who truly deserve them.

Call it how you will Nick, the whole human rights madness has resulted in many people being robbed of their rights and freedoms.

Now, bad doggy, no bone for you tonight, back in your kennel and no barking at the neighbours, none of them care what you say, none of it makes sense to people.


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