Wednesday, August 24, 2011

TRIPOLI Current in Fotos

Opposition troops flooding in to Tripoly from every sides out of city forward to well known M.Khadafy compound fenced by royal troops and his son. Opposition not to hard to approach the compound for seeking where about President hiding.

In the middle of euphoria circumstance  the first aim are to humiliated M.Khadafy by mocking the symbols such as Beduin tent, where guests honored, golf cart, American aircraft replica captured.

The rumor that the son, Saif Al Islam, captured by opposant  wasn't true when the son show up around a Rixos Hotel where some foreign reporters seized as prisoners by the Government army.

Photos below tell the story what really happened in the last day until today Thursday August 24, 2011. On Thursday, rebel focus on manhunt the fugitive Mohmad Kadafy, that hiding under the tunnel between the compound and the sea, where he has a farm near the airport.
                                M.Kadafy compound

Golf cart used by M.Khadafy

                                  Map of Lybia and Tripoly

                                 Opposition troops

                                          Victory over ruin building

                                Opposition weaponry


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