Friday, August 26, 2011

From Wolverhampton to Libya

Anyone else spot this on BBC News at Ten last night (25/8/2011) - a man whom the reporter says is from Wolverhampton, toting a machine gun and speaking in a West Midlands accent, with the rebels in Libya?

The image is of one 'Mahran' (spelling) clipped from 8m53s into News at Ten.

John Simpson : "They're full of confidence about the future. This is Mahran, who has come from (pause) Wolverhampton".

Mahran : "We can do it. (inaudible). We've done it with Gaddafi, and we can build it ourselves"

Onlooking 'rebels' : "Allahu Akhbar"

Mahran : "We can sweep the streets, we build...we build houses, we do everything for our people".

That's the transcript taken from News at Ten. The episode of the news will still be up on iPlayer for a few hours if anyone wants a look - this begins around the 8m50s mark.

Just thought it was something interesting and worth bringing to peoples attention.

iPlayer link (time set to just before 'Mahrans' appearance) - Click Here


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