Wednesday, August 31, 2011

MPACUK Propaganda Alert

"Disclaimer : This video intends to highlight the issue of Islamophobia which is affecting Muslims around the world. Could this be your child tomorrow?"

Err, let me reword that for you a little.

Disclaimer : This video is something fictional that we created for propaganda purposes, deliberately seeking to demonise, and worse, we used children to do so.

"EDL member attacks Muslim" seems to be the title caption. Indeed, that's also what the video is entitled on Youtube.

EDL may be many things, but I've not - correct me if I am wrong here - seen front page newspaper headlines of them mugging poor Muslim children for their money, or any such reports at all for that matter.

Yet, the opening sequence of the film clearly depicts just that, with a line of "Oi you little pa*i, gimme your money".

Shall we make a roleplay video, featuring children of course, of "Muslim attacks homosexual" or "Muslim grooms child" for example?

With a disclaimer of course. We're just highlighting it. Could this be your child tomorrow?

Even though those things have happened factually we'd be up on some racial/religious hate charge in a moment, and the outcry would be enormous.

Good work MPACUK (Muslim Public Affairs Committee), that has to be one of the most pathetic efforts I've seen in a long time, but it does highlight the depths to which people will stoop and the double standards which exist.

Sadly, it will probably end up as required viewing in schools soon enough.


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