Friday, August 26, 2011

"Kill one black youth, we kill a million Fedz"

Those are among the chilling words that have earned Amed Pelle 33 months in prison after he attempted to use Facebook to incite a riot in Nottingham and encouraged attacks on police officers.

Pelle, 18, also encouraged friend to loot shops, naming fashion chain Flannels in Nottingham city centre, and the store was subsequently attacked and had its windows smashed.

He also urged Facebook friends to "riot til we own cities" as he sought to bring carnage to Nottinghams streets.

He plead guilty to breaching section 44 of the Serious Crime Act 2007, namely encouraging or assisting violent disorder, and was jailed for 33 months.

Note the use of "black youth" - so there would have been no riots had it been a white youth shot dead by the police, nobody would have cared, there'd have been no explosion of rage?

Draw your own conclusions as to whether that represents a clear racial motivation in the minds of some of the rioters.

Whatever, it clearly shows the racial powderkeg that is modern Britain - but, sit back and await the community action groups and police softly softly approach in a few months time as officialdom decide to lump it all under the banner of 'social exclusion' or 'deprivation'.

They'll not dare to breathe that word race, nor to admit that parts of Britain have been transformed into somewhere resembling the rundown warzone that is Detroit.

The message sent in all of this is that 'black youth' is to be untouchable by police, even if they have committed a crime and are a danger, and that war on our streets will be the result if the police do not stay away.

Law and order is directly challenged. Should certain sections of the community decide to do so then their displeasure will be vented with the riot and the firebomb.

Some will go to prison it is true, and nothing will change - the powderkeg which is multicultural Britain will go on smoldering until the next explosion.

The experts can debate all the like, they can send in every social exclusion team in the world, make every concession they can think of - you ain't seen nothing yet.

Such is the bitter harvest of the failed multicultural experiment, a harvest that we will reap for decades to come.


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