Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"It may be that many people, especially women, will see that as ridiculously lenient" - Judge Beverley Lunt, sentencing sex attacker Shamraz Akhtar to community service and a suspended prison sentence, citing sentencing guidelines specifying a community order.

Shamraz Akhtar had attacked a woman who got into his taxi, groping her and asking if she wanted to pay for her fare with sex.

He had claimed that he had been aroused because the victim was scantily dressed.

During her ordeal, as well as touching her and making lewd suggestions, he also drove her in the wrong direction for her destination, leaving her terrified.

Her ordeal ended when the cab slowed down and she jumped from the vehicle.

Akhtar, married with 2 children, was given 26 weeks in jail, suspended for 2 years, and 120 hours community service at Burnley Crown Court.

In other words, he walked free.

No comment to make, the judges remark says it all. So much for being tough on crime, even when we catch the criminals they're right back on the street.

Full Story - Lancashire Telegraph

*Hat tip to 'Runic' for sending us the link, much appreciated, thank you.


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