Wednesday, August 31, 2011

As if we didn't already know that the jobs situation in the UK is abysmal, now we have news that there are 181,000 more people in work this summer than at the same time last year - and only 14,000 of those were born in the UK.

14,000 out of 181,000 - that adds up to a jobs bonanza for the foreign worker and Brits left languishing in the dole queue.

Since we've well over 2million unemployed then the logic of allowing a swarm of foreign workers to swamp the jobs market simply beggars belief.

It all adds up to a failure of truly epic proportions however you look at it.

Can Brits not do these jobs, we're supposed to believe that every one of these positions is a highly skilled vacancy that Brits lack the skills to do?

Come on, even if that were true then it just serves to illustrate the utter failure of the training and education system to equip our people to do our jobs. These are British jobs - if we have not equipped British people to do them then the system has failed.

But, the reality is that most will be positions for which there was a willing and able British person available - just the job went to a foreigner.

Some trot out the idea that the British worker is lazy, workshy, unwilling to put in as much effort, as a reason for hiring so many foreigners. Rubbish!.

And, incidentally, good luck in an equalities court if you say that about any other racial or national group. Say it about Africans, go on, I dare you.

Foreign labour keeps wages artificially low, it meets diversity quotas, it adheres to the insane ideal of absolutely free movement of labour - and it does not benefit Britain or the British worker in any way at all.

Instead it disenfranchises the British worker both financially and in terms of job security. The British worker becomes reduced to a commodity - only instead of a commodity in a national workplace, he's now a commodity in an international workplace, competing against nearly everyone on the planet.

We all know simple supply and demand - when supply outstrips demand a products marketplace value is reduced. The jobs market is no different, and supply of a product - in this instance workers - has been artificially boosted far beyond any realistic demand.

The entire system as is fails the British worker and the British people utterly.

There simply are not enough jobs for the people already here - and yet we continue to import more people, creating a labour glut that is damaging to the British people.

Britons want to work and will work - we should be ensuring that they have that opportunity.

No job should go to a foreign worker when there's an unemployed Brit capable of doing it. When a Brit is not capable a Brit should be trained.

Give employers a financial incentive to hire British - it has to be cheaper than paying for millions of Brits in the dole queue.

Put the British people first for once, any need for foreign workers should only arise once all Brits who can work are employed, in short once we have 100% employment, a goal that will take a long time to reach, if ever.

The British worker forms the bedrock of our nation, our future, and our prosperity - and time and time again they are betrayed and undermined by our politicians and greedy profiteers.

It's high time we put our people and our future first - and that means putting the British worker and British jobs at the very top of the list, something which generations of establishment politicians have failed to do.


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