Thursday, August 25, 2011

Racism : Enemy of the Truth

Shrieks of racism have been much in the news of late, whether it be David Starkeys comments on the recent riots, or even the Guardian seemingly attracting the wrath of the racial NKVD for daring to report on Jewish involvement in an incident during the riots.

Racism, as created and endorsed by the state, is a tool of oppression and enemy to much that the West supposedly stands for, and it is a destructive creed which will lead us down some very dark roads.

Opinion becomes racism, stifling debate and discussion.

Truth becomes racism, leading to a society which is based on half truths, omission, and even outright lies.

The only opinions and truths allowed are the sanitised, sterile, yet jingoistic propaganda of the politically correct thought police.

It is like a disease in the heart and mind of a country, feeding, festering, and tightening its grip each day.

The infection creates an army of self appointed guardians of race, given a platform for their own hysteria and prejudices by a state which assumes that racism must always exist if someone believes it does.

We end with chaos as the self perpetuating nightmare gathers pace.

Denounce your neighbours before they can denounce you.

Smell out racism where none exists to prove yourself free from racism.

Name the truth as racism because even truth itself, no matter how true it might be, must be scourged of the taint of racism.

As for those who dare to state facts or truths which are inconvenient? Burn them, witch, heretic, they shall be re-educated or eliminated.

A society of informants and fanatics, where fear that someone might apply that most damning of terms to you - Racist, yes, with a capital R, the accusation so terrible that it must always be treated as proven.

Truth and free thought, both must be sacrificed on the altar of the politically correct cultists.

Society becomes a zombie chorus of the inane and the insane, all allowed only to speak with the same voice, permitted to parrot only the same state mandated opinion and ideology as if it were absolute truth.

Truths which don't fit will be re-written or silenced, if people must be pilloried to achieve this then they will be dealt with.

We are Borg, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.

The entire construct is a self reinforcing, self perpetuating, nightmare.

Everyone has something to fear, everyone could become a victim, everyone dare not speak out lest they attract the eager gaze of the politically correct lynch mob.

Through fear people are forced to choose between joining the baying mob, or keeping their heads down and hoping to escape notice.

This frenzied, politicised witch hunt has no place in a modern, supposedly free thinking society, it carries sinister echoes of dictatorial regimes of the past, where every thought and deed was monitored for signs of disloyalty to the ideology of the day.

The obsession with racism does not bring freedoms and equality, rather it creates a state which is ruled by fear and a state which is based upon ignorance and hysteria.

Call it hunting witches, call it dealing with subversives, call it re-educating those who don't show sufficient fervour for the glorious chairman, the result is inevitably the same - once free thought is destroyed, the destruction of people soon follows.

We may have moved on from re-education camps and burning at the stake, but if a person can be financially ruined, driven from employment, and turned into a pariah, isn't the practical result very similar?


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