Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our own troops may be under equipped with many high profile stories detailing how soldiers have been forced to buy their own kit, or sent into warzones without the essential gear they need, but thanks to the generosity of the Ministry of Defence the Ugandan army have body armour and helmets.

It may not make sense to you or me, or to our own brave soldiers struggling with cutbacks, but the MoD shelled out a hefty £1.7million last year on providing the Ugandans with body armour.

Some gift, a gift you and I have paid for, whilst our own troops want for the equipment they need to survive and function in warzones which they should never have been deployed in to begin with.

Uganda is a rather large beneficiary of UK aid as well - the Department for International development tells us that our spend there until 2015 will average £98million a year.

All this despite Ugandas nightmarish track record on human rights, and with numerous reports of political opposition supporters and politicians being persecuted, as well as track record on the treatment of homosexuals which means we are very unlikely to deport any Ugandan homosexuals who wind up in the UK due to their risk of torture or persecution.

Yet, still we're stumping up money in the form of foreign aid and helping to equip their military in the form of gifts from the MoD.

Those deciding how Britains money is spent really must be some of the most gullible people on earth, shelling out our cash on a regime like that and helping to ensure that it continues in power.

Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to witness the cutbacks at home in the UK, and the shortages faced by our soldiers, and yet at the same time see how we've money to spend on Uganda and the Ugandan army?


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