Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nigerian illegal immigrant Mojeed Bello took sham marriages to a whole new low when quizzed by officials about his bride to be - all that he could tell them was that she was "big, black, smoked, and likes chicken burgers"

Sounds a charming lady, how could you not fall in love with that?

Dutch national bride Carina Merselina had been recruited to enter the marriage at a festival in Holland, and was to have been paid £3,000.

Bello, of no fixed address, would have been able to remain in the UK had the marriage gone ahead.

Instead, Bello now gets to stay in Britain for a while - having been jailed for 14 months. He has children in the UK though, don't hold your breath that he'll be deported upon release.

Carina Merselina was jailed for 300 days for her part in the scam, as was her sister Loreen.

Bello has been in the UK since 2006, and his children attend a school in Peckham.

"This sort of offence is becoming somewhat prevalent - it strikes at the very heart of the UK system for regulating the population" said Judge William Hart.

We regulate the population?

That's news to most of us seeing how the immigration system is utterly ineffective, totally abused, and how we're watching our population explode thanks to mass immigration.

Full Story - Here


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