Saturday, August 27, 2011

Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) - or the honest face of Islam in the West as I like to call them - are at it again, this time plugging a conference called "Islam will dominate the world".

The usual suspects, Omar Bakri Muhammad, Anjem Choudary, and Abu Izzadeen, all appear to be involved, at least according to the flyer promoting the event.

The preview video is also interesting in that it sees Choudary make some very strong statements to what appears to be a willing crowd who often respond with the customary "Allahu akbar".

Pointing to Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and so on, we're informed that their "brothers are rising" and are "working for the Sharia". Countries in Europe are also listed.

Here's the real kicker - "We are willing, my dear brothers, in the heart of Europe, to shake the British regime, to overthrow the (word in Arabic?), let them forget (regret?) the day their mothers gave birth to them".

Is that a threat?

One is sure it would be interpreted as such, and police action taken, were someone to replace the word "British" with "Muslim" and not only delivered that speech but also posted it on Youtube.

The likes of Choudary know that the British government and establishment won't touch him though - between fear of Islam, and fear of committing some sin against political correctness, our useless lot will slink off with their tails between their legs and try to pretend this isn't happening.

In the name of keeping some multicultural nightmare alive, of toeing the official line about a peace loving and integrationist Islam, officialdom remains silent and looks the other way.

We continue to allow these people to remain within our midst, agitating for uprisings and overthrows, calling for Islam to dominate the world, and we do next to nothing.

Europe - and Britain's - awakening to the true nature of the Islam growing and thriving within our nations will be a painful one, and we cannot say we have not been warned.

Muslims Against Crusades have spelled it out themselves. We can deny it all we like by calling them "extremists", but all they are really telling us is what we already see happening around our nations.

The only real difference is that they shout it out loud for all to hear, it's just most people aren't listening.


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