Saturday, August 20, 2011

He may have blown up a plane full of innocent civilians, he may well have been released from prison because he was expected to be dead a long while ago, but Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi is still going strong - thanks to a British developed treatment for prostate cancer that is not available to the likes of you and me.

Released from Greenock Prison on compassionate - read political expediency and a lucrative oil deal - grounds in 2009, bomber al-Megrahi, responsible for killing 270 people when a bomb was detonated on Pan Am flight 103 back in 1988, was given a mere 3 months to live.

Now, in August of 2011, he's back in Libya and still alive and kicking - and it's all apparently attributed to a drug called Abiraterone, developed by British scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research in London.

You've guessed it though, Abiraterone is not available in the UK. There are plans to market it, but its £3,000 a month price tag will make it a life saving chance which is out of reach to most prostate cancer sufferers in Britain.

By the time the NHS messes around approving that through all kinds of committees, and insisting that you try cheaper treatment first, you'll not be getting it unless you're fortunate enough to be rich and can pay for it.

If you get prostate cancer this drug is not available to you, even though it was developed in the UK, but a bomber responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths in a terrorist atrocity has access.

There's more compassion for a foreign mass murderer than there is for you and I, doesn't that just tell you that there is something hugely wrong with us as a society?


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