Monday, August 22, 2011

More discrimination from England, where being white and English is some kind of heinous crime, with news that 18 year old Abigail Howarth has been banned from applying from a training program with the Environment Agency - because she is White and English.

The position, in the Anglia region where Abigail lives, specifically 'encouraged' - slang for nobody else need ever apply as we all know - applications from "Asians, Indians, Africans, Caribbean, Mixed Race, or White Other (e.g Irish, Welsh, Scottish, European)".

Abigail emailed the company handling the applications asking "Am I correct in assuming that as I am English (White) I need not apply as the preference is for the minorities you have listed, or can I apply anyway"

For once an honest answer was actually forthcoming, from a recruitment officer named Bola Odusi.

"Thank you for your enquiry unfortunately the traineeship opportunity is targeted towards the ethnic minority group to address their under representations in the professions under the Race Relations Act amended 2000"

In other words, White English need not apply, a lesson we are fast learning these days.

Surprise, surprise, a spokeswoman for the Environment Agency has said that "The Commission for Racial Equality has confirmed we are acting legally"

Only in England does being white and English place you at the very bottom of the ladder, fair game to discrimination from all.

Your abilities, talents, and skills matter for nothing if your skin isn't the right colour or if you aren't somehow a minority.

Welcome to England, where the sign reading "Whites not welcome" is hung clearly for all to see.

Full Story - Here

Edit - Should point out, someone sent the link, never noticed the date on the story. Apologies, bit of an old story, but still relevant.


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