Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reading around many forums, sites, and comments as I do, I've seen many ideas and heartfelt statements of late, and I'll start by saying I don't fault most of them, this has been a difficult time. Many of those at a low ebb and leaving have done far more than I ever will for nationalism and I salute them.

And, I will make clear I am nobody special. Not an official, not anything, just a member and writer who does what little he can.

Our options as I see them currently are in fact rather simple. They do open a lot of complex possibilities, but in essence they really are quite simple.

We can give up in disgust. Tempting as that may be when at a low ebb, it will do nothing to save our nation and our people. If we surrender then there is nothing left, many of those disillusioned represent the creme de la creme of British Nationalism, it is talent and determination that Britain and Britains future cannot afford to lose. And, with all the resignations goes any powerbase that is capable of pushing for reform.

We could go our separate ways and join other parties. But, look at what is on offer. One policy UKIP who cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered even fringe nationalist, rather just another establishment party. Or, a whole host of varying small nationalist and pseudo nationalist parties, each with their own internal problems and some with strange and contradictory policies. Does anyone honestly see much hope there, other than it might seem a better choice than to do nothing at all?

Or, we could form a new party. At some stage that may have to be something considered, it could come down to that. Not yet though. The time it will take to get a name established, build up from nothing, and achieve any kind of success is time that we would be better investing elsewhere if possible. Any people hoping a new party would ditch the public baggage attached to the BNP name are hoping against hope. Media will point out former BNP memberships, call it a BNP splinter group, and so on. It will face similar obstacles to any attempt to rehabilitate the public image of the BNP.

So, what is left, what can we do?

Andrew Brons has implored us several times to hang on in there, and in the light of things this seems logical. As one can see on BNP Ideas, there is pressure being applied to try and force the chairman to ditch some of the baggage, to reform our party and attempt to recover from the dire situation that we are now in.

Whether this pressure will be successful or not, I have no idea. Also, I am not privy to the inner workings of any of this, I have no idea if further pressure is being applied behind the scenes - although it would be a logical assumption that it is.

At least it is clear that the demands highlighted on BNP Ideas are perfectly reasonable, and represent perhaps the only chance of getting us out of this schism without a cataclysmic split.

And, let's face it - there are, in amongst the crooks, thugs, and liberal non members who have sided with Nick, many good nationalists too. It is not a clearcut divide of good and bad, there are good people on both sides, people who Nationalism needs.

There's plenty all of us can do to whilst this is ongoing, plenty that will serve nationalism, our party, and our country.

We can support our local branches. Who among you can't say that there aren't great people in our local branches who are a credit to us all? We must hold our local bases together as much as we can, and if possible make them stronger. Whatever occurs that will not be time wasted, and those branches and good members will be needed whatever the outcome of all this.

We don't have to continue to support central party, if we donate money we can do so locally. Anything we can do at a local level will serve us well no matter what, it shows nationalism in a positive light, it increases the awareness and improves the perception which people around us will have of nationalism and nationalists. A great example is Salisbury branch recently giving a sizeable donation of food to the Trussell Trust food bank.

Whatever the outcome of all these things, whether sensible compromises and good decisions to remove some of the baggage are made by head office and a true reconciliation is possible, whether the schism continues and a new party - as I know some have called for - is the end result, whether the financial scandals lead to Nicks resignation, whatever, it is our work at local levels which will be the foundation of any rebuilding of the nationalist movement.

The stronger we make that foundation, the stronger the movement which we will build - or rebuild - will be. Everyone on all sides of this can at least - I hope - agree that strong local presences, and good local activists, are key to any future success for nationalism.

In short, we have to hang in there and see how things develop. I'm not privy to any more information than the average reader, my sole distinction is that I write a few articles here and there, but from everything I've seen and read the right move for now is to hold fast, keep the pressure up, and see if our party, the BNP, can be saved and reformed into the great fighting force we know it can be.

Should that be impossible then at least by sticking together, and building up our strengths on a local level, we will have still done nationalism and our nation a service, and will have laid the groundwork ready for whatever comes next.

There is much we can all still do whilst this is ongoing to work for the nationalist cause, and, we can all agree on one thing I think - that nationalism and our country, Britain, is the most important thing. No one man is bigger than that, whatever happens in the days to come now will be the time when our work and efforts will decide whether nationalism has a future, or whether we will crumble and go our separate ways.

If we hang in there and do what we can then we have a chance. If we give up now then that chance is gone and with it any hope of changing the bleak future which the establishment politicians and corporate interests have mapped out for our nation.


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