Friday, August 19, 2011

Samuel L Jackson, famed for roles in Pulp Fiction and a few Star Wars movies among other things, has spoken of his shock after visiting an African village devastated by the AIDS epidemic sweeping the third world.

The visit, to observe work carried out by charity Artists for a New South Africa, saw Jackson visit an area ravaged by AIDS and HIV.

"We found a village where there were no adults. All the parents had died of AIDS. The fathers would go off and work in the mines, solicit prostitutes, come back, sleep with their wives and infect them. They all died" he told Londons Evening Standard magazine

Shocking stuff, who can fail to agree on that, AIDS has become very much a scourge of third world populations.

Despite this however, we in the West continue to import many people from these regions into our own society, ignoring the obvious problems of HIV infection and cultural factors which ensure high transmission rates.

Avert informs us that "In 2010, there were 6,136 new diagnoses of HIV, contributing to a cumulative total of 114,766 cases reported by the end of December 2010. As of December 2010, there have been 26,791 diagnoses of AIDS in the UK, and 19,912 people diagnosed with HIV have died".

A little later they also tell us that "...since 1999 heterosexually acquired HIV has overtaken as the largest exposure category. Heterosexual sex accounted for 42 percent of HIV diagnoses in 2010 and sex between men accounted for 38.5 percent, compared to 1995 when 31 percent were a result of heterosexual sex and 58 percent of new HIV diagnoses resulted from sex between men"

"Most of the new diagnoses among heterosexuals are in people who probably acquired HIV in other countries, particularly Africa. However, the number of infections probably acquired from heterosexual sex within the UK increased from 157 in 2000 to approximately 416 in 2010".

That's looking telling, but here's the clincher.

"Despite comprising less than 1% of the total UK population, black Africans accounted for 28% of new HIV diagnoses in 2010".

Transmission via heterosexual sex figures are stunning. From 1995 to 2010, 8050 Whites in the UK are estimated to have been infected via heterosexual activity (compared to 28,182 whites via homosexual activity).

For Black Africans in the UK contracting the virus via heterosexual sex the figure for the same period stands at 33,229.

Close on four times as many Black Africans here, who make up only 1 or 2 percent of the UK population, have contracted HIV from heterosexual sex since 1995 than people among Whites who make up most of the population.

During that entire time period, White HIV diagnoses only just stayed higher overall than Black African ones - 39,700 compared to 35,917. Whites actually become a minority if Black African, Black Caribbean, and Black other are counted as a single group, which seems fair since White is seemingly used as a catchall to include non British White groups.

Africa may well be ravaged by AIDS and HIV, but our insane immigration policies ensure that Britain too will suffer under the weight of this epidemic.

As we open our borders to every country in the world, we also open our borders to every single problem which besets the people of those countries.

Terrible as HIV in Africa is, our actions make sure that the same terrible problem increasingly exists here.

With the mass movements of people inevitably comes the mass movement of infection and disease, we import not just people but also whatever illness they happen to be carrying.

The figures, not just for HIV in the UK but also for many other diseases, reveal the true extent of epidemics from abroad which we have made our own.

There's no fiction there, the impact on our nations health is a devastating fact.

Avert HIV Diagnoses by Racial Group -


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