Friday, August 19, 2011

As the British taxpayer struggles under the burden of funding rising translator costs across all public bodies, it has been revealed that the police are spending a staggering £75,000 a day on translators.

The shocking figure means that in the last 3 years an eye watering £82 million has been spent by the police alone on providing translators to the many non English speakers here.

The biggest spender among the forces was the Metropolitan Police, which spent £29.3 million since 2008.

Reports in the papers today point to this being a 60% increase on 2004, but the spiralling costs of translation for some individual forces vastly exceed that.

Back in 2003/04 Avon and Somerset Police spent £169,705 on translators and interpreters. By 2010/11 that figure had rocketed to £569,200.

Thames Valley Police were spending £477,273 back in 2003/04 - figures for 2010/11 put their current spending at £1,220,414.

This costly burden, at a time when the police force are facing savage cutbacks to their budgets and the loss of numerous front line officers, is quite simply unacceptable.

However, it is not just the police bearing huge costs, the massive drain created by providing an army of interpreters is imposed upon Britain across the board.

Recently released figures showed that hospitals in London alone spent around £15million on interpreters, with Barts and the London NHS Trust notching up spending of £2.2million and University College London Hospitals Trust a £1.6million bill.

Hospitals in the enriched Oldham Pennine Acute Trust spent £1.2 million on translation services for 2009 according to published figures. Most popular languages for translation were Urdu, Farsi, Bengali, and Kurdish.

A report from 2010 showed local councils across the UK spending £20 million a year on translating documents into other languages alone, including such great uses of our money as Warwickshire County Council paying to translate a "Weight Busters" leaflet into Gujerati, Urdu, and Punjabi.

Everywhere we look there is a massive burden being imposed upon the taxpayer by people who cannot speak English, and for whom we are expected to finance translation services. The list of areas for which we are funding translation is endless.

The burden imposed on us all as a result of mass immigration is immense, and makes a mockery of ConDems moves to impose austerity measures.

We are left picking up the rising tab for a wholly unnecessary burden - namely translation - whilst watching services upon which we all rely, be it police on the street, or NHS treatment, or a whole host of other things, cut to the bone.

If so called austerity is truly needed then it is evident that huge public spending on translation services is utterly incompatible with that.

It is simply an insane situation to see services and budgets cut, yet the taxpayer being expected to shoulder the burden of ever rising costs of translators to meet the needs of foreigners.

Britain and the British people cannot afford this burden.

We want police on the beat, doctors on the wards, midwives in maternity, not to be forking out a fortune catering for 140 different languages in our own country.


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