Friday, August 19, 2011

Now the west has finally been wrung dry of it's wealth through debt, and the mass immigration and poverty that goes with it, has finally lead to what Trotsky called ''Perpetual Revolution'' in the recent Anti-White riots, people are starting to finally look at the world without the rose tinted glasses. Many a celebrity, including well respected Historians, have spoken in terms that not that long ago, would never have been thought possible. We in Britain, and our western kith and kin, have still much work to do and a long way to go. However, we are getting there. The latest stock market figures are dismal, but then again, most ordinary people do not benefit from such luxuries, and those that do, are no longer able to yield reasonable income from them.

The pensions that Briton's were supposed to have been guaranteed, are, and have been for a good few years, at the mercy of Gordon Brown's so-called prudence as a Chancellor. Of course, his bragging about there being no more ''boom and bust'' soon crumbled, as taxes from our once renowned industrial prowess, innovation, and almost full employment, were depleted. No industry, no tax. No tax, more national and personal debt, more debt, more internationalist social engineering, usually in the guise of borrowing heavily to pay people for creating jobs in the Public Sector, and supporting socialist projects and masses of immigrant labour.

Finally though, the message that the British National Party has been active in sending out for two decades, is getting through. The latest, and to be honest, probably the most successful campaigns of recent years, the ''EU: Referendum Now'' campaign, has proven that even the usually ''apolitical passer bye'', seems to have gained knowledge of why we are in this mess. The EU leaders, and those shadowy debt-mongers so happy to heap more misery on the man and woman in the street, have even used the mess to propose what nationalists have been warning of for decades: A Global government. The President of the ''European Central Bank'', Jean-Claude Trichet, told Forbes magazine that:

''Global governance is extremely necessary if we want to prevent another financial crisis. In his prepared printed and spoken remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, Trichet emphasized that politicians, economists, and financiers must work across the Atlantic and collaborate on methods to create an international set of standards. It is his belief that through global governance, the resiliency of the global financial system can be assured''.

Of course, it is exactly this control freak mentality that has got the west, and us in Britain, into so much debt in the first place. All the EU zone, former independent nations, gave up their currency in favour of the ''Spartacus blue print'' Wiemar Republic style total control plan. This meant that ALL national assets were essentially frozen, and worse, milked and wrung dry with no public scrutiny, or an option to get out. In fact, if readers remember, not that long back, the whole premise for entry into the EU, was economic stability... where did that particular remit go? If the European nations, and Britain, are in a financial mess, how the devil can we expect anything less from a world wide dictatorship? But then, that's the whole plan... a world dictatorship.

The communist Chinese dictatorship, recently blasted the U.S. government for putting at risk, its massive ''dollar holdings''. It has called for America to rein in its out-of-control debt by severely curtailing it's military spending and welfare. The regime also demanded the international supervision of the dollar. It even suggested the creation of a new ''global reserve currency''. History has many lessons for us all to learn. The current hateful mess in Zimbabwe, and the Communist control of Pre-World War Two Germany, both broke their people's spirits, and their economic stability, and were both led by aliens with no national interest at it's core. Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, have in recent years, been crushed under the black $500 boot of alien usury.

America is in the deepest debt of it's whole existence, and to Francis Quote bacon: ''Usury bringeth the treasure of a realm, or state, into a few hands''. And: ''Let it be no bank or common stock, but every man be master of his own money.'' As this article was being written, the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, has announced plans to nationalize the country's gold mining industry, and also withdraw Billions in gold reserves from American and European banks. The recall is said to be called so as to help protect the oil-producing country, from the economic depression in the west. Gordon Brown has already made sure that, we in this country have no chance of protecting our interests. He sold it at the lowest price for years.

Apart from all that, China, still fervently Communist, and with billions owed to it by America, has ensured that the core principles of Nationalistic economic survival, and hard core political philosophy, makes it the most potentially dangerous country on earth. Particularly as it has also said that America should minimalise it's military spending. Lenin's ''School of Political Warfare'' taught: ''The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will fall into the trap offered by the possibility of making new friends. Our day will come in 30 years or so. The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security." Yes, the false sense of security that our people have spent years slumbering on with, unknowingly until recently, becoming slaves to debt, high cost foreign wars, and theft of all they possess... they know now, and will continue to feel the pain until a new, nationalist uprising takes place in every European nation, and other nations made civilised by former European governance.

If the European leaders get their way on the idea of taking control of ALL our currency, and utilising a single currency, China will gain a massive military and financial boost. That will then lead to instability even more severe than now, because those super wealthy bankers, industrialists, and individual entrepreneurs, some worth billions, will have no concerns about hiding behind the old smokescreen of equality, donating to ''good causes,'' and being seen as charitable. They will do what Warren Buffet and Bill gates have already promised, and ensure large chunks of their wealth, is left to countries in Africa... and where is one of China's biggest influences? Yes, Africa. The links between so-called Russian businessmen, British politicians, China's new found globalist agenda, and us being taxed until we scream with pain, is starting to become tangible.

In Britain, we are broke, Cameron is intent on spending billions on wars to suit the same suspects as above, and our industrial might has literally been stolen right from under our eyes. India and China are becoming wealthier, and all one has to do, is simply take a look at where our industrial manufacturing base has gone to, and whom now owns most of it. China was soon given Rover cars, India was encouraged to purchase our steel manufacturing process, and the whole of our infrastructure, is now in the hands of people who were once glad we built their nations up for them. China has many tentacles, and they all trace themselves back to one book: Das Kapital. The whole of the Communist project, so cleverly dismantled in Eastern Europe, and Russia, is far from finished. Most of the European political elite are Communists, and the current Tri-Partate dictatorship is also riddled with the same.

After all, Karl Marx was funded by the very capitalists he said he loathed. The bankers loaned him money to fund his anti-white, race hate filled agenda. And now, the most powerful nation of the 21st century, still Communist to it's core, is literally taking over the world, through the same three card trick that Marx used to get our people to hate their own, and cause so much division... money, power, and ideological snake oil. All the world's leaders are in fact, all reading from the same script. They are destroying Britain and the west's ability to control it's own industrial capacity, create wealth, and have the political and economic resources to ever stop them. Cameron's ''Big Society'' is an old blueprint, it is Communism, soft focus Communism. Only Nationalism, and a renewed revival in people's attitude to race and nation, can ensure our survival. Anything else is pointless, and papering over the cracks.


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