Monday, August 1, 2011

The case of Sarafi Salami, hailing from Togo, convicted sex attacker and huge drain on the taxpayers pocket, is today exposed in the Star.

Having arrived in 2000, he instantly demanded to be housed near a mosque, college, hospital. Doesn't want much, does he?

Convicted of a sex attack in 2005 - 2 years after he should have left Britain - he was jailed for 4 years. He is described as a danger to women and children.

And, now he's moaning that the £160 he gets from the National Asylum Support Service - on top of the £800 a month plush flat we've housed him in - isn't enough to buy halal food.

Full Story
Want, want, want. Take, take, take. Whatever you give me then I will demand more. You will pay for everything I want.

Had he been booted out on time then he'd not have been in the country to carry out a sex attack on this poor woman in 2005.

Had we any sense we'd have booted him out the moment he'd served his sentence.

But no, he gets a flat, some money, he's still here, and he whines because we're not generous enough. There's gratitude for you.

Don't you just feel so lucky to have Salami, and countless more like him, living off of your money and living in your country?


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