Monday, August 1, 2011

A pair of Muslim teenagers have admitted to painting burkas on to advertising posters featuring scantily clad women because they believed such images were a sin and offended their religious views.

Mohammed Hasnath and Muhammed Tahir were both caught red handed defacing a poster advertising Lynx deodorant, and admitted to their crime when police arrived.

Taiwo Akinrowo, prosecuting, said "They told them that the way the women had been photographed was against their religion and they said it was a sin in Islam for a male to look twice at a woman who is not covered"

Both men were fined £283 and given a 12 month conditional discharge.

The story doesn't begin there, if we rewind a month or two, we can find Mohammed Hasnath in action again.

Several months ago stickers proclaiming a "gay free zone" and warning of judgement from Allah began appearing around parts of London.

One man was arrested, charged with a public order offence - notice no religiously or hate motivated qualifier to the charge yet again - and subsequently fined £100 with £85 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

That man was.....Mohammed Hasnath. Yes, the very same Mohammed Hasnath. Seems he's a busy man when it comes to telling everyone in Britain how they should live, where they should go, and what they are allowed to look at.

Just to make us feel even better about the whole sorry affair, Hasnath lives with his family in Tower Hamlets, and his income comes from Jobseekers Allowance. In other words, taxpayer money will be paying the fines, as well as supporting his ongoing campaign against the West.

At the time of Hasnaths sentencing for the gay stickers offence, Jack Gilbert, co-chair of the Rainbow Hamlets Community Forum and board member of the Sandy Row Synagogue said that "For me I read this no differently from a sign that said 'Jew free zone'"

You'll likely be seeing stickers announcing those zones soon enough Jack, can anyone in Britain doubt it with the way things are heading?

We should be very concerned. Today it is paint daubed on property and stickers or posters plastered all over the place, we have seen that in history before and seen where it can lead.

Tomorrow? This road upon which our nation has been set could lead us to very dark places indeed.

As Islam flexes its muscles and increasingly becomes aware that the authorities will deliver nothing more than a slap on the wrist, if that, in return, the streets of Britain will see incidents such as this, and far worse, become ever more commonplace.

And that will likely be just the beginning.


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