Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Turkey, population standing at approximately 75 million and showing rapid growth (a mere 40 years ago it stood well below the 50 million mark), is a predominantly Muslim country with around 90% of its citizens adhering to Islam.

It's also, despite some last minute hand wringing among government ministers currently ongoing, looking likely to soon become a member of the EU, perhaps as early as 2013 if some supporters get their way.

Part of the concern is the impact which Turkeys full accession into the EU, complete with the freedom of movement among EU nations which that will hand to the Turkish people, will have on Turkish immigration into other EU states.

Various estimates predict the flow of Turkish nationals into other EU states will be anywhere between 60,000 at the low end, up to 4.4 million at the high end. Currently, there are already 150,000 Turkish nationals living in Britain.

One thing we should remember with estimates on population movement when countries join up fully to the EU is the debacle which occurred when Poland and other east European countries joined up in 2004.

Back then we were told annual net migration of 13,000 was expected - politicians have a habit of spinning things whichever way they think will put the public at ease. The reality is that from Poland alone we now have in excess of 500,000 people living in the UK.

Whatever figures the politicians choose to present us about Turkey will prove to be exactly the same, a total miscalculation and underestimate.

Whichever figures turn out to be accurate, and it is unlikely to be the lowest estimates as history proves, given the problems which Britain and many EU nations face with an Islam which refuses to integrate, one might question whether it is really wise to allow a predominantly Muslim nations people the right of free movement around the EU.

Yet another concern is the fact that Turkeys membership would extend the EU's borders so that a land border would be shared with countries such as Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

Turkeys land border with Greece is a major channel of illegal immigration into the EU, as well as one of the major routes for heroin being smuggled into Europe.

With Turkey becoming a full EU member its shared borders with numerous turbulent states would instantly provide residents of those troubled countries with a single land border which they could cross in order to arrive in an EU nation.

We would see the number of people from those countries such as Iraq who could make it into the EU seeking asylum rise by a staggering rate.

However, that hasn't stopped the usual suspects pushing for Turkeys admission into the EU to be speeded up.

David Cameron is distinctly in favour of Turkeys membership, indeed promising to fight for it it, and claiming to be angered at the slow pace of negotiations.

So is Dave Milliband, who said in 2009 that "I am very clear that Turkish accession to the EU is important and will be of huge benefit to both Turkey and the EU".

Just what benefit handing tens of millions of Muslims free movement around a Europe already struggling with many problems with Islamic integration will be seems to have been left unanswered, indeed many might consider that such a move could well be disastrous.

For the UK, already suffering with utterly unsustainable population growth thanks to huge levels of immigration, and increasingly seeing the results of an Islam which is growing in both strength and numbers and exhibiting a growing willingness to flex its muscles on our streets, one might well be forgiven for thinking that any benefits might well seem minor compared to the increased issues and compounding of existing problems which Turkeys full membership will bring.

Turkeys full presence within the EU will indeed be an unmitigated disaster and will, among other things, serve to further increase the problems which we in the West face from an Islam which will not integrate but which continues to grow in numbers.

The expansionist EU, ever keen to get new members for its club of nations, does so without regard to the issues which it will cause to us in the West, and pays no attention to the destructive effects that trying to reduce sovereign nations to some kind of USA type states under central rule will have on the people and cultures of Europe.


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